Don’t call it a comeback…

Well, here is my attempt to come back to my blog. I can’t remember how many times I have tried to start blogging again (probably a number in the teens), but here I am again.
A lot has happened since I have published any type of post, so here is here a cliff notes version of what been going on:

1. My family and I have moved (twice)

2. I have moved up in education and I am now an Assistant Principal (now in my 3rd year), I now work for an elementary school.

3. My wife and I have celebrated 10 years of marriage, she deserves a medal (or some kind of award).

4. My stinker is in 1st grade and is growing like a weed. 

5. The wife and I had a second baby not too long ago, he is known as bug. 

That’s the quick, cliff notes version of what has been going on in my world since the last time I had anything published. 

A new focus…

As I was preparing to start writing again I was thinking why I want to blog again. Most blog sites have have a focus on what they are writing about and I have always tried to just be whatever was on my mind, which at times made it hard for me to write. So I wanted to come with a focus of what I am going to write about, which is still loose enough boundaries to write about whatever I want.

I will be mail looking at 3 things. 

1. Will be being a husband today, the highs and lows of marriage and how I try to be the best husband I can be. 

2. Fatherhood today, being a dad is awesome but very hard work. Fatherhood is quickly evolving from the rolls of our fathers and their fathers. 

3. Education, this is the world I live in when I am not at home and what is going on with today’s educational world. 

I want to look at these aspects individually and also how they mix for me.  Also how I manage all of what is going on. 

I will not promise to write everyday. Heck, I be happy to publish once a week but I am back to my blog. 

Until next time…

Time for a Change

Hate = Hate

It does not create anything other than that. It does not bring people together, it only separates. It does not build, but it can destroy. And when hate is spread; it can spread like a wildfire.

The only thing that can bring people together is love. Love does not discriminate from anyone, you can be a man, woman, adult, child, black, white, brown, straight, gay, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, etc. Love is love and love creates more love, which is good for all humanity.

I know that some people who will read this may not be Christians but this is good advice for anybody. This comes from the book of Matthew: You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you

There is so much hate in this world and through different platforms (news, social media, and other outlets) the message gets spread very quickly. If only the message of love one another would spread so fast.

I have friends from all walks of life. To me it has never mattered what the person was, it only mattered who they were on the inside. It has never mattered to me what they are or what they believe in, are they a good person? If the answer is yes, then that is who I want to be around, who I want to be friends with, who I will call my family. And honestly, as long as a person does not try to hurt the ones I love, then we are good (but once I call someone my friend, then there is love in my heart for that person).

I am not saying that we must agree on everything because that would make life very dull and boring. But what I would like to see is the spread of love around. It doesn’t have to be much, just smiling at a person can change their day.

Watching what is happening now makes me very sad because hate is so prevalent in the world and it made to seem like we are supposed to accept it, but I cannot. For my family, my wife and son, I will try to end the hate and spread love. It doesn’t matter if we believe the same thing, part of the same group, have similar backgrounds, etc. it does not matter! We are human beings, all part of the human race and ending the hate can helps us create a better world for ourselves and our future.

Right now, the hate that is all over the news is being used to spread different agendas by all groups and I cannot say that I am not using the same platform. What I am trying to end is HATE because there is should not be a reason to hate others.

I feel this is one of the most important pieces I have ever written and if it can change just one persons perspective then what I have set out to do will be complete.

We have the chance to end millenniums of hate, because if you look back at our world history it is full of hate. It is time for a new world where we find ways to build each other up instead of knocking each other down.

How can you spread the love? How can the negativity you see on a daily basis be changed? Could you stand up for others or what is right, even if you are standing alone?

Ask yourself these questions and also this one: How can I make the world a better place?

You can be the change that so desperately needs to happen. Do not think that I am one person and what I do will not matter because one person is all that is needed to make change.

It is time for a change, but are you willing to help?

I do ask one favor, if you read this and agree with what I say, please spread this around. Use whatever social media platform you like. Let this message, let love spread like wildfire!

– J. Lara

Day 32: big and busy day

It’s been a pretty darn good day for my family.

I know that this blog has mainly been about my journey doing the p90x workouts, the results, and my days but that’s going to shift a bit today.

I did do my workout at 4:15 this morning, it was yoga x which is probably my favorite workout because of the stretching and breathing aspect of it and then I went to a training all day to learn a new appraisal system for me to implement next year with my teachers.

That’s it for me today, now on to the big day part

First, it is my stinker’s 5th birthday.  Being a dad is one of the best things I have ever been a part of.  I love hanging out my son.  God truly blessed my ire and I with our amazing little boy, he is truly one of a kind.

The next big part is concerning my wife.  Today, she got a story published for the first time.  I am so proud of her for following her dream in becoming a writer.  I love the story she got published, it’s creepy and awesome.

That’s it, time for bed.

Until tomorrow……

Day 31: back and biceps 

Another short one because tomorrow is yoga x and I have to get up earlier since I’m traveling for work. 

I used a new workout today called back and biceps and I liked it.  There were not any new moves that I can recall but I feel it is natural to group those 2 muscle groups together because it is very easy to work them out togther. So I did enjoy it.  

I think it is time for me to invest in heavier dumbells because the resistance is becoming almost non existent when working out.

Time for bed because it an early and long day tomorrow.


Day 30: 60 days left

Today marks 30 days since I began p90x and here is a comparison since the beginning and the last picture I put up this past Sunday. 

Day 0 

Day 28 

I did see a difference and this is motivation to keep going.

Today was plyometrics day and it was a bit harder to do since I’m needed to wake up a bit earlier because I am traveling for a training for the next 3 days and I cannot make excuses yet.  I’ve gone 30 days without making them, why start now.

Tomorrow is a new workout so I am excited to try it.

Going to sleep because I am traveling again for work.

Until tomorrow….

Day 29: the beginning of something new

Started a new routine in the p90x program. Today was chest, shoulders, and triceps. 

Holy crap I thought I was getting in shape, this one is much harder than the chest and back routine that I had to take several breaks.  Mainly you need body weight and some light weights because all the moves give you a workout. 

Then it was ab ripper x, which you all know my love of that workout.

Going to bed, early morning.

Until tomorrow…

Day 27: Some fun

Saturday came and Saturday went and it felt like it was a good day.

Started off waking up before my family and getting my yoga x work out in, I’m finally not taking every single time.

Then I woke the family up so the stinker can player soccer. Today was the 1st game for my little soccer team. I really love coaching little kid soccer and being out there with my stinker.

The wife had some dance and homework to get done, so the stinker and I got to spend some time together and hang out and we had a lot of fun.

All in all, out was a good day

Until tomorrow…..

Day 26: Exhaustion

I’m exhausted! My staff, some of my students and my family have noticed that I have been looking more tired everyday for the past 2 weeks.

Because of my exhaustion and having an early morning to coach my stinker’s soccer game tomorrow, this will be a short, of not the shortest, blog post.

I worked out with the core synergistics workout, got to work early for a faculty meeting, worked a 1/2 day in the meeting at my school, played 18 holes of golf for my districts education foundation tournament (I was horrible), and then came home to my wife and stinker, I really tried to give my family all the energy I had.

Now it is time for sleep

Until tomorrow……..

Day 25: just stress

Short one again, because I want sleep! (Haven’t had a restful nights sleep in a while).

Today’s workout at 4:45 in the morning was x stretch and it felt great.  It didn’t feel as good as the yoga workout but it felt great to stretch out all of my sore muscles before going to work (and I needed to be as lose as possible before I went in for the day).

A quick bit about my work day: it was stressful, mistakes were made, prayers were said, and gray hair grew.  Some days are like that as a school administrator. 

I felt like the owl on the right by the end of the day.

And I felt like crap because I had a situation that lead into me needing to stay after work which meant this was the first time I missed my stinker’s piano lesson.  Fortunately I was able to get out of there and go to soccer practice, I needed to de-stress a bit.  My little soccer team had a grea practice and I can’t wait for their game this week.

Goodnight, until tomorrow……