Monthly Archives: May 2014

Leaving work at work

Alrighty, so my brain is pretty blank tonight with all of the crap it went through today at work (trust me, it was a lot). I think I had a few more hairs turn gray because of the drama.


I cannot let that effect me though because no matter how my day goes, whether my students listen or not, my family deserves all of me!

When I leave work, that’s where it needs to stay because when I bring the stress and the drama of work home, it causes stress and drama at home (which is a lose lose situation).

It is hard to leave work at work and I am not always successful at it. When I bring it home, the wife and the stinker can tell because I am a shell of myself. It’s like in the Adam Sandler movie Click, when he was fast forwarding through life with his remote, his body was just there on auto pilot. My family deserves more.

Now I am not writing this because the wife and I got into an argument, quite the opposite, I’m writing this because I was successful at leaving work at work.

Life has enough stress on its own and I do not need to add more stress to my household, I would like it to be as stress free as possible. If I bring work home, I’m NOT treating my wife like the amazing woman she is, I’m NOT giving my stinker the attention and playing with him like I should.

Life is precious and the good lord only put us down here for a short amount of time. Take advantage and not waste your time with worry, be home and present.

When I starting writing the words just came out, I truly had zero plan for this blog.

Until next time…….


I know I talk about my wife and the stinker a lot, but that’s because I love them so much.

They have made so many sacrifices for me, whether it was when I was coaching (and I was gone a lot), changing jobs in a different town away from our families, or going back to school. I will never be able to repay them for the sacrifices they have made for me.

The reason I called this blog “gone” is for a specific purpose.

Every Sunday since the fall, the wife and the stinker have left our home and gone to her parents house for a night or 2. The reason for this is because my wife teaches dance at a studio in the area we are from. So every Sunday I stay at our house with Joey (our awesome dog).

The good thing about this is that it gives me time to do my grad school homework with any distraction because if they were they, my focus would not be on school work (it would be on them). Now I know my wife would want me to do my work, but the stinker would want to play (and I would) and I would just want to be around them. I can’t help it.

So every Sunday they leave and I stay behind, which sucks! Yes I know getting my work done is very important (I don’t want to waste our money and I want the degree), but it’s so empty when they are not there. I feel incomplete when they are not around. Basically I miss them, a lot!

Thank God for FaceTime though because I still get to see their smiling faces, but it still isn’t the same. Yes I hear their voices and see their beautiful faces, but you can’t hug or kiss a screen (even though we do kiss the screen).

Ever since I have been with Lauren (10 years in October, I’m just as shocked as you are that she has put up with me that long) and since the stinker was born, I’ve just wanted to be around them, I’ve just wanted to make them happy.

I know that the space give us a chance to miss each other, but it doesn’t stop me from missing them very much. I just count down the time until they are home again.

Until next time….

Grad school

I do not believe that decision only effect the person making the decision but effect all of those close to them.

Last summer a decision was made in my household, I decided to go back to school for a masters degree in Educational Leadership.

It was something I had been talking about with wife and thinking about periodically, but would always put it on the back burner.

When I had started to think more seriously, I knew I would have to do all of my classes online (even though the 1 online class I took when trying to get my bachelors was unsuccessful), so I was seriously looking at WGU.

When I started to get more information on it, my wife found another program that sounded better for me through Stephen F. Austin University. The program was completely laid out with deadline (which I need), and all Texas residents received a scholarship (which is always good).

After doing more and more research on the program, I talked it over with my wife and she supported me going back to school, so I applied and I was accepted (which I was completely shocked and excited by).

Going back to school was scary because I knew it would be a sacrifice by my family, not just a monetary sacrifice, but most importantly a time sacrifice. Spending time with my family is my number 1 priority, but we knew we could find a plan to help.

We worked out a plan to where I would have Sundays to myself to complete work without distraction.

My family (my wife, the stinker, and the rest of my family) have been very supportive, as well as my friends. But there have been some doubters to whether I was ready to go to school or if I would be able to handle it, but the few doubters have given me fuel to prove them wrong. I love and appreciate the support of those who believe, but I live to prove doubters wrong. I’ve done it my whole life and I know I will continue to do it.

I just completed my 2nd semester of grad school with graduation coming in December of 2014 (very close and I applied today for graduation). My grades have been very good because I have been more determined to be successful and to make good grades, a lot more determined than I was with my bachelors. I have taken 4 classes so far (2 classes each semester, full load for grad school), and I have made 3 a’s and 1 b. With 6 more classes to go (4 this summer and 2 in the fall) it is getting so close I can taste it.

If I can go back to school and be successful (so far), anybody can be successful. All I did was not make any excuses and not let failure be an option.

That’s all for tonight.
Be successful!

I’m back

For all the 2 people who read my blog, I’M BACK!

It has been far to long since I have written, life has been a little hectic for me and my blog just fell to the back burner, got buried, and completely forgotten about.

So since this is my, sort of, comeback, I’ll just give a quick cliff notes version of all that’s been going on in my life:
– Had to stop running because of right knee having continual problems (again)
– Being a teacher is rewarding, but it is hectic and stressful (especially in the springs because of testing)
– The wife and I took the stinker for his birthday to meet his idol (Mickey Mouse)

– Turned 29 (last year in the 20s)
– My student took the STAAR test
– completed week one of DDP YOGA (start week 2 tomorrow morning)
– Currently building a desk from scratch for the wife
– I love my wife more and more
– my son continues to amaze me

That is just a short list of what been going on (and is all I can think of at 10:30 at night). But more will be coming very soon, hopefully daily (including a review of DDP YOGA when I reach day 30)

I am glad to be back!