Leaving work at work

Alrighty, so my brain is pretty blank tonight with all of the crap it went through today at work (trust me, it was a lot). I think I had a few more hairs turn gray because of the drama.


I cannot let that effect me though because no matter how my day goes, whether my students listen or not, my family deserves all of me!

When I leave work, that’s where it needs to stay because when I bring the stress and the drama of work home, it causes stress and drama at home (which is a lose lose situation).

It is hard to leave work at work and I am not always successful at it. When I bring it home, the wife and the stinker can tell because I am a shell of myself. It’s like in the Adam Sandler movie Click, when he was fast forwarding through life with his remote, his body was just there on auto pilot. My family deserves more.

Now I am not writing this because the wife and I got into an argument, quite the opposite, I’m writing this because I was successful at leaving work at work.

Life has enough stress on its own and I do not need to add more stress to my household, I would like it to be as stress free as possible. If I bring work home, I’m NOT treating my wife like the amazing woman she is, I’m NOT giving my stinker the attention and playing with him like I should.

Life is precious and the good lord only put us down here for a short amount of time. Take advantage and not waste your time with worry, be home and present.

When I starting writing the words just came out, I truly had zero plan for this blog.

Until next time…….

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