Day 1: The first step

Every journey begins with a single step.  And today was my first step in changing how I feel about myself and how I look.

I was overwhelmed by the responses and comments I received for my first blog post in a long time.  Honestly I didn’t even realize how many people read this.  For every one who read it and made a comment and/or like my post, thank you very much.

Today is day 1 in my journey.  For my exercise program I am using P90X dvd program.  So today I used the chest and back dvd (which is a little less than an hour).  The equipment it required was yourself (a lot of push up in different variations), dumbbells (the highest weight I had was 5 pounds thanks to a gift from my wife and stinker) and a pull-up bar.  It was a pretty hardcore workout that kicked my butt.  

I listened to my body a bit better that I have in the past.  The old me would have pushed myself to where I could barely move afterwards, but this time I pushed myself to where I was feeling the burn but I know I will be able to move tomorrow morning. 

Right after I did the chest and back workout, ab ripper x workout came on.  That one killed me because my stomach kept getting in the way.  The workout was 16 minutes long, and my stomach continually cramped during the workout.  My stomach is killing me as I write this.  

Right after the exercise DVDs, I went for a 2 mile walk to cooldown and just relax.  It was really nice. 

Today was tough but I have to take it one day at a time.

Until tomorrow (I know this blog post was a bit boring, so I will try to make tomorrow a bit funnier)…

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