Day 5: who needs to walk?

My legs are killing me!

It feels like my leg muscles have been on fire all day and I remember this pain very well.

When I was in high school, this was a very common pain I would get because I loved leg days when I was powerlifting.  I loved leg days because the squat was my best event.  My senior year (except at state), I would build a wide lead over the other people lifting in my weight class.  They would get close on the bench because it was not a very good event for me but I would maintain and separate my lead in the deadlift.

I was blessed with strong legs and that continues to this day.  No matter what sort of shape I am in, my legs have always felt like they were strong.  What makes it hard is that my right knee is not my stoniest area.  It is commonly in some sort of pain and continually makes popping noise when I move around but I cannot let that deter me.

Today was p90x legs and back workout.  Thinking about it, I thought it would be easy since I thought my legs were strong, I was wrong.  Nothing about p90x has been easy!  I worked my leg muscles out continually in such a different way that I was completely drenched in sweat for the complete hour, and the moves were very difficult not just for my knee but for the muscles in my legs.  For my back, it mainly focused on exercises on the pull up bar, just like the chest and back dvd.

So I finish up the leg and back workout to go straight into ab ripper x.  I truly hate this workout.  Mainly because I have never had very strong abs and I cannot keep up with the ones on the DVDs.  Plus my gut keeps getting in the way. This is how I feel when doing the ab workout  

 But that is why I am working out, so I don’t look like this anymore. 

So combined with the yoga workout from yesterday, my legs have been turned into jelly and I miss that pain (hurts so good).

Tomorrow is a different type of workout that I have never tried so I will let you know how it goes.

So until tomorrow…. 


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