Day 7: Rest Day/Check In

If you follow the p90x program, day 7 is supposed to be your rest day.  You could do the x stretch dvd if you want.

I did not end up doing the x stretch did this time because the wife and I started going through some of our stuff getting ready for a garage sale that we need to have to get rid of a lot of stuff.

So every 7th day will also be my check in on my progress so see if I have lost weight and to see if my appearance has been altered in any way.  So my weigh in today was at 221 pounds, that’s a current loss of 1 pound.  It may not seem like a lot but it is progress in the right direction.  I might have lost more but I ate quite a bit last night during date night with the wife. She also said that it looks like my face has thinned a bit since I stared a week ago, so either she is saying she is noticing a difference or I have a fat head, either way any weight loss is a good thing. So for the pictures…

It doesn’t look like much difference (except for the shorts being blue) but I feel great.  I feel like I accomplished something in keeping up with this for 1 week.

I did not do very well with continually running due to a lot of rain this past week and being really busy at work and I did not do very well in tracking my progress and calories on the lose it app.  I will get better this next week.

Week 2 will be a bit of a challenge though because I will be on spring break from work, but with week one in the books, I look forward to tackling week 2. Until tomorrow….

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