Day 23: something new

I will be honest, this blog almost didn’t happen. 

Yes I did workout this morning, but it’s late, I’m tired, and I have a stressful day tomorrow (yay for STAAR testing).

I did a new workout today in the p90x routine, core synergistics.

This workout mainly focuses on the muscles in your core but it did so in using movement involving your whole body.  I liked it because, in my opinion, your core is the most important group of muscles for the body.  All day your core is involved in something for you and it is important to have that group of muscles as strong as they can be.

I laughed because there are a couple of moves that involve you rolling on the ground.  Since this workout was new, it took me a bit longer than the workout was supposed to be because I needed to watch the moves before I did them since it was all new to me.

The workout was a good one before my day of running around my school for STAAR testing and the day will be the same for me tomorrow, except the workout is kenpo x.

So it’s time for me to go to bed, until tomorrow…

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