Monthly Archives: June 2016

Time for a Change

Hate = Hate

It does not create anything other than that. It does not bring people together, it only separates. It does not build, but it can destroy. And when hate is spread; it can spread like a wildfire.

The only thing that can bring people together is love. Love does not discriminate from anyone, you can be a man, woman, adult, child, black, white, brown, straight, gay, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, etc. Love is love and love creates more love, which is good for all humanity.

I know that some people who will read this may not be Christians but this is good advice for anybody. This comes from the book of Matthew: You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you

There is so much hate in this world and through different platforms (news, social media, and other outlets) the message gets spread very quickly. If only the message of love one another would spread so fast.

I have friends from all walks of life. To me it has never mattered what the person was, it only mattered who they were on the inside. It has never mattered to me what they are or what they believe in, are they a good person? If the answer is yes, then that is who I want to be around, who I want to be friends with, who I will call my family. And honestly, as long as a person does not try to hurt the ones I love, then we are good (but once I call someone my friend, then there is love in my heart for that person).

I am not saying that we must agree on everything because that would make life very dull and boring. But what I would like to see is the spread of love around. It doesn’t have to be much, just smiling at a person can change their day.

Watching what is happening now makes me very sad because hate is so prevalent in the world and it made to seem like we are supposed to accept it, but I cannot. For my family, my wife and son, I will try to end the hate and spread love. It doesn’t matter if we believe the same thing, part of the same group, have similar backgrounds, etc. it does not matter! We are human beings, all part of the human race and ending the hate can helps us create a better world for ourselves and our future.

Right now, the hate that is all over the news is being used to spread different agendas by all groups and I cannot say that I am not using the same platform. What I am trying to end is HATE because there is should not be a reason to hate others.

I feel this is one of the most important pieces I have ever written and if it can change just one persons perspective then what I have set out to do will be complete.

We have the chance to end millenniums of hate, because if you look back at our world history it is full of hate. It is time for a new world where we find ways to build each other up instead of knocking each other down.

How can you spread the love? How can the negativity you see on a daily basis be changed? Could you stand up for others or what is right, even if you are standing alone?

Ask yourself these questions and also this one: How can I make the world a better place?

You can be the change that so desperately needs to happen. Do not think that I am one person and what I do will not matter because one person is all that is needed to make change.

It is time for a change, but are you willing to help?

I do ask one favor, if you read this and agree with what I say, please spread this around. Use whatever social media platform you like. Let this message, let love spread like wildfire!

– J. Lara