Don’t call it a comeback…

Well, here is my attempt to come back to my blog. I can’t remember how many times I have tried to start blogging again (probably a number in the teens), but here I am again.
A lot has happened since I have published any type of post, so here is here a cliff notes version of what been going on:

1. My family and I have moved (twice)

2. I have moved up in education and I am now an Assistant Principal (now in my 3rd year), I now work for an elementary school.

3. My wife and I have celebrated 10 years of marriage, she deserves a medal (or some kind of award).

4. My stinker is in 1st grade and is growing like a weed. 

5. The wife and I had a second baby not too long ago, he is known as bug. 

That’s the quick, cliff notes version of what has been going on in my world since the last time I had anything published. 

A new focus…

As I was preparing to start writing again I was thinking why I want to blog again. Most blog sites have have a focus on what they are writing about and I have always tried to just be whatever was on my mind, which at times made it hard for me to write. So I wanted to come with a focus of what I am going to write about, which is still loose enough boundaries to write about whatever I want.

I will be mail looking at 3 things. 

1. Will be being a husband today, the highs and lows of marriage and how I try to be the best husband I can be. 

2. Fatherhood today, being a dad is awesome but very hard work. Fatherhood is quickly evolving from the rolls of our fathers and their fathers. 

3. Education, this is the world I live in when I am not at home and what is going on with today’s educational world. 

I want to look at these aspects individually and also how they mix for me.  Also how I manage all of what is going on. 

I will not promise to write everyday. Heck, I be happy to publish once a week but I am back to my blog. 

Until next time…

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