Who I am…..

This blog is for me, about me, just a place for my thoughts and feelings.  I can and will talk about anything and everything; nothing is off-limits (so there may be some uncomfortable topics).  But before I can write this blog, I feel its important to state who I am… (and yes all of these areas will be areas I will blog about)

Christian – First and fore most, I am a Christian.  I have accepted my Lord Jesus Christ into my life and into my heart.  Although I have not alway led the most Christian of lives and not lived according to His word and His will, I have been blessed with so much and with time to live the life He wants.  So my faith is a big part of my life and I am trying to make my faith stronger by reading HIs word and by becoming the Christian leader for my family and for all those who interact with me.

Husband – I have been married to the most amazing woman I have ever met.  She is my world, and though I have not always showed it, I love her more than anything!  This is my most important relationship and I try to be the strong man she wants me to be, but also that should/ear she can always rely on.  We met in college and got married in 2007.  We’ve been through a lot and she has been by my side through it all.  Granted I have done a lot to hurt her and have done enough to drive her away for good, she has stuck with me and helped me become a better man.  I love her more than anything.

Father – I am a daddy and I love it.  It is the most fun thing I have every done.  I am the father of the most amazing, energy filled, curious, cute, and so many more things I simply cannot describe son.  He was born in 2011 and my wife and my life have never been the same, and we love it!  My son has taught me so much in his short life and I continue to learn from him (i.e. unconditional love, all people have good, etc.), I pray he learns as much from me as I have already learned from him.  I was the dad to a great dog (yes, I said dad).  He was a wonderful part of our family that brought joy to our life ever since we brought him home from the SPCA in 2009.  I always say he would be the perfect dog if he didn’t have his skin condition, but that has always been our struggle for him.  Sadly a tumor took him away from us in the summer of 2013. I still miss him everyday. 

Brother – I have 6 younger sibling that I love so much.  Granted I have not always been around for them, I have never stopped loving them.

Family man – My family has always been everything to me.  It doesn’t matter if your my immediate family, close family, distant relative, friend I’ve had forever.  If I love you, then your family to me and I will do anything and everything to be there for my family.

Educator – I have the most important job in the world, I am a teacher!  If anybody thinks being a teacher is easy, your wrong!  I love my students and strive to help them become the most they can be, I strive to help them become successful human beings, not just successful students.  My work is hard, I am underpaid, and there are days I want to pull my hair out, but I love what I do.

Student – I am always learning.  Learning how to be a stronger Christian, how to be the leader of my family, how to be a better educator, and I am a student currently seeking my masters degree.  I call my self a life long learner because the day I stop learning will be the day I no longer live.

Athlete – Yes I still call myself an athlete.  I have always been a competitor in some sort of athletic competition since I was 4 years old and will continue to workout, be competitive until I can no longer do it.

This is just a small taste of who I am, I will discover more about myself as I continue through the journey of my life.  Like I said earlier, nothing is off limit in this blog, I am just going to write what I want to write about, and I am not going to apologize for what I think (unless I discover I am totally wrong about something).

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