Category Archives: Fun

Day 29: the beginning of something new

Started a new routine in the p90x program. Today was chest, shoulders, and triceps. 

Holy crap I thought I was getting in shape, this one is much harder than the chest and back routine that I had to take several breaks.  Mainly you need body weight and some light weights because all the moves give you a workout. 

Then it was ab ripper x, which you all know my love of that workout.

Going to bed, early morning.

Until tomorrow…

Day 18: Really Long Day

Just a warning, this will be short. 

With the yoga did being a little over 90 minutes, it makes my day begin just a little bit earlier.  I understand the importance of this workout and why it takes so long, but it doesn’t change the fact that it takes so long to complete.  Plus with it being Thursday and I have a 6th grade math meeting at 7:15 am each week means I’m working out around 4:15 each Thursday so I can have time to get ready. 

Work has been stressful this week due to several factors ( that I’m not going to talk too much about) and I am glad that the week is over and that I have an extra day for the weekend since we are off on Friday for Good Friday.

After work was exciting because it is the start of the stinker’s spring soccer season that I am coaching.  Today’s practice was pretty interesting because I know my so was the oldest there today and that he is the only one with experience (had several players that were missing today). So that means soccer games will be starting soon.

That’s it for tonight

Until tomorrow….

Day 14: Rest/check in

It’s Sunday, which means it is time for my weekly rest day and check in to see how my progress is going.

I weighed myself I today and I weighed in at 218 pounds, for those keeping score that is 4 pounds in two weeks.  I like that ! I have had this success because I am watching my portions when I eat, cut out fried food, and p90x.  I am happy with where I am headed in my journey of weight loose and hope to keep making progress. 

I had the hat on because I had really bad hat hair, it was standing everywhere.  

A rest day for me does mean I sit on my butt all day watching tv, I am still very active because I do not like sitting still (one of the joys of having adhd). So I moved some furniture with my wife, played soccer with the stinker, and a whole lot of other stuff.  Sadly today was my last day of spring break, so it is back to work for me.  I truly do any extra time I get to spend with the wife, the stinker and anybody else that is my family (people who really know me that I consider my friends as family too).

That’s it for today, so until tomorrow…..

Day 13: feeling like Bruce Lee, when looking like Johnny Cage

Today’s workout was Kenpo X and I must say that it is fun.

It relies a lot on punching and kicking, so while doing it I feel like this: But I am sure while I do the workout, I look like this

Growing up and still now I love martial arts movies so anything that can help me feel like Bruce Lee is a boost to my ego.

What makes this workout funny to me is my lack of coordination. I have never much coordination at all and a most of this workout are doing multiple moves with the people on the dvd.  It takes all of my consecration to do the moves, but I do not let that stop me.

Just like any challenge I have had put in front of me, I will get better at this dvd and it combination of kicks and punches (I sort of got reminded of the old TaeBo workouts, except less funny).

That is it for today, now I am going to watch The Hobbit with my wife.

Until tomorrow………

Day 11: Yoga crazy

Yoga is hard, there is no simpler way of saying it! 

Growing up, I’ve always done things to make me stronger. Push ups, squats, weights, etc. Thats what I thought was necessary for getting my muscles where I needed them to be.  It worked growing up, but I wish someone had told me how yoga would have helped me along the way to achieve my fitness goals and more than likely surpass them.

I love doing the yoga dvd, even though I feel like this while doing it: 

I’m pretty sure it is hiarlious watching me do the different moves.  Especially since I am so uncoordinated and clumsy.  I was falling around the entire living room today while doing the moves.

It may have been that I was trying to do a little more advanced than just the basics or it might have been that I had an audience while I was attempting to do the moves.  The wife and the stinker were in the living room for the entire 90 minute workout and saw me dripping in sweat from it. The stinker even tried some of the workout with me, but mainly he tried to talk with me throughout the exercises.

I love how yoga worked out my entire body.  I feel like every muscle, ligament, and nerves all benefit from it.  It’s sometimes painful because I am not very flexible but it’s the good kind of pain that you know is beneficial.

That’s it for me tonight, I’m wanting to get some sleep since my spring break is about to end and I haven’t gotten to get one of those days/nights where I just sleep like I am on vacation.

So until tomorrow…..

Day 6: Tired

I’m tired and thank God it is Saturday. Tonight will be a short blog since I just got home from date night with the wife.

Guys, quickly, make sure you find ways to spend time with your significant other. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been together for 1 day or over thousands of days, let them know you cherish them.
Today’s workout was Kenpo X and it was fun. It was hard to get going because I was stiff and sore from my other workouts this week but I quickly got through that. It was a good warm up and the high infinity moves including punching, kicks, and pretty martial art moves. I was covered in sweat but it was fun. 

I broke one of my eating rules today, even I said I was trying to take better care of myself I cut out fried food. Well, we were at a Mexican food restaurant for dinner and I are chips and salsa. I know I shouldn’t have and will do better from now on, just wanted to be upfront.
That’s it for tonight, until tomorrow…..

Day 5: who needs to walk?

My legs are killing me!

It feels like my leg muscles have been on fire all day and I remember this pain very well.

When I was in high school, this was a very common pain I would get because I loved leg days when I was powerlifting.  I loved leg days because the squat was my best event.  My senior year (except at state), I would build a wide lead over the other people lifting in my weight class.  They would get close on the bench because it was not a very good event for me but I would maintain and separate my lead in the deadlift.

I was blessed with strong legs and that continues to this day.  No matter what sort of shape I am in, my legs have always felt like they were strong.  What makes it hard is that my right knee is not my stoniest area.  It is commonly in some sort of pain and continually makes popping noise when I move around but I cannot let that deter me.

Today was p90x legs and back workout.  Thinking about it, I thought it would be easy since I thought my legs were strong, I was wrong.  Nothing about p90x has been easy!  I worked my leg muscles out continually in such a different way that I was completely drenched in sweat for the complete hour, and the moves were very difficult not just for my knee but for the muscles in my legs.  For my back, it mainly focused on exercises on the pull up bar, just like the chest and back dvd.

So I finish up the leg and back workout to go straight into ab ripper x.  I truly hate this workout.  Mainly because I have never had very strong abs and I cannot keep up with the ones on the DVDs.  Plus my gut keeps getting in the way. This is how I feel when doing the ab workout  

 But that is why I am working out, so I don’t look like this anymore. 

So combined with the yoga workout from yesterday, my legs have been turned into jelly and I miss that pain (hurts so good).

Tomorrow is a different type of workout that I have never tried so I will let you know how it goes.

So until tomorrow…. 


Day 3: Bouncing off the walls 

Wasn’t sure how to title today’s blog, but that seemed to fit. My reasoning for the title was because when I got to my school today, I was a ball full of energy! I was bouncing up and down like I was headed to the ring for a fight, like my walls had pads on them and I was running back and forth against the walls in my straight jacket.

Now I know what your thinking, this guys is kinda crazy. But I was in a very happy mood, one where I wanted to share my energy, positive thoughts and happiness to anybody I interacted with.  And working at a 5th and 6th grade school with hormonal pre-teens and over worked stressed out teacher in the beginning of STAAR testing season, it think it is important to try and keep the positivity going, even if it is from their crazy assistant principal.  

I started out the day with my 4 am alarm going off.  I didn’t sleep much because I kept waking up thinking I had missed my alarm, I hate those nights. But I got up, drank my coffee (without spilling the coffee grounds all over the kitchen) and got to my work out by 4:30 (it takes time to get out of zombie mode). 

My workout today was shoulders and arms and I loved it.  When I was in much better shape in high school, I actually had very good shoulder muscles but my arms never looked that good, I didn’t worry about it too much though because I was more concerned with strength and not if my body looked like I was strong.  I’m still not to worried about how my body looks as long as it doesn’t look fat like it does now.

I like the shoulders and arms did because it is a constant pattern going, each set are exercises that goes shoulder, biceps, then triceps. As a former math teacher, patterns are sort of my thing.  Needless to say the workout felt great.  I don’t gnome I mentioned this before but I do not have a bunch of fancy equipment or heavy weights for these workouts.  All I used today is the dumbbell set my wife and stinker got me for Christmas this past year.  All that is in there are a set of 2s, 3s, and 5s and I still feel like I am getting a great workout because I am doing higher reps.

After the shoulders and arms exercise, I did the ab ripper x workout.  This 16 minute workout sucks, especially if your gut keeps getting in the way 

 But I pushed through and did more of the reps than I did on Monday, but the cramps I get during the work out are killer.  What makes this workout really hard is the way you need to sit a lot of the time todo the workout.  When I was about 19-20ish, I found out I had a pilonidal cyst on my tailbone.  I actually had it for about 6 months before I went to the doctor, but I didn’t tell anyone in hopes it just went away (it didn’t). So for about 2 years, yes years, I went to a doctors office at least once a month to have them work on removing it (I will not go into details because it was very painful), but because of all that I just have scar tissue, not muscle, from my skin to tail bone. Needless to say there are some choice words and teeth gritting to get through some of the workouts that require sitting.

But I didn’t give up and I will not give up until I complete this challenge and journey I set before me.  Maybe it was because I had a great workout and that’s what caused me to be hyper and happy, not sure, but I like the feeling.

Tomorrow is yoga x and I am excited to do the 90 minute workout.

So until tomorrow…..