Category Archives: hobby

Day 30: 60 days left

Today marks 30 days since I began p90x and here is a comparison since the beginning and the last picture I put up this past Sunday. 

Day 0 

Day 28 

I did see a difference and this is motivation to keep going.

Today was plyometrics day and it was a bit harder to do since I’m needed to wake up a bit earlier because I am traveling for a training for the next 3 days and I cannot make excuses yet.  I’ve gone 30 days without making them, why start now.

Tomorrow is a new workout so I am excited to try it.

Going to sleep because I am traveling again for work.

Until tomorrow….

Day 29: the beginning of something new

Started a new routine in the p90x program. Today was chest, shoulders, and triceps. 

Holy crap I thought I was getting in shape, this one is much harder than the chest and back routine that I had to take several breaks.  Mainly you need body weight and some light weights because all the moves give you a workout. 

Then it was ab ripper x, which you all know my love of that workout.

Going to bed, early morning.

Until tomorrow…

Day 23: something new

I will be honest, this blog almost didn’t happen. 

Yes I did workout this morning, but it’s late, I’m tired, and I have a stressful day tomorrow (yay for STAAR testing).

I did a new workout today in the p90x routine, core synergistics.

This workout mainly focuses on the muscles in your core but it did so in using movement involving your whole body.  I liked it because, in my opinion, your core is the most important group of muscles for the body.  All day your core is involved in something for you and it is important to have that group of muscles as strong as they can be.

I laughed because there are a couple of moves that involve you rolling on the ground.  Since this workout was new, it took me a bit longer than the workout was supposed to be because I needed to watch the moves before I did them since it was all new to me.

The workout was a good one before my day of running around my school for STAAR testing and the day will be the same for me tomorrow, except the workout is kenpo x.

So it’s time for me to go to bed, until tomorrow…

Day 19: different time of day

Normally I workout in the morning (the only exception are Monday’s).  Today there was a switch in my workout time due to my schedule being different.

I was off work today for Good Friday so I slept in, which was really nice because I usually do not get to do that and the wife and stinker allowed me to do that.

Since I didn’t have enough time in the morning before I went to the dentist to get a chip on my tooth worked on, I decided to do it later.  

Had a very busy and full day with my family and we headed down to my in laws for the Easter holidays so I finally go to ,y workout around 9 pm.

So I finally felt like I got a good workout in this week with legs and back and even ab ripper x so it was nice to end the week on that.

I am going to bed and tomorrow is kenpo x.

Until tomorrow…

Day 12: Jello

My legs feel like jello after doing the legs and back workout from P90X

This is a big piece of humble pie that my ego gets.  I always say that God has blessed me with strong legs, even with my right knee having the injuries and not being as strong as it once was (hence the knee brace I hate)

 I still think of my legs as strong.  In high school when I basically lived in the gym I loved leg days because it was my best event in powerlifting competitions. That is where I would win the meets.  To this day I still have strong legs, despite my knee.

Well this workout is different because you spend a lot of time isolating and concentration on each leg instead of one of the legs compensating for the other (like this happening during a squat).  It kicked my butt, especially since I tried to up the reps and weight (when needed) from the last time.

After the legs and back, it was ab ripper x time which we all know how I feel about it (I hate it). But I kept going.

Tomorrow is Saturday, day 13, which means it’s kenpo time.

So until tomorrow…

Day 8: chest and back again

Here starts the beginning if week number 2 with the chest and back workout.  

One of the things I really like about doing the chest and back workout for p90x is in its simplicity.  There aren’t any fancy moves or anything crazy that could hurt you.  It is basic pushing and pulling exercises that help strengthen and develop your chest and back muscles. 

 The only thing crazy in this workout is Tony Horton himself (he really gets on my nerves).  All of the exercises are moves that have been done, including by myself, to help people get in shape for years and years.

I really like how minimal this program is as well.  Yourself, some dumbells (which you all know I do not have the heaviest of weights) and a pull up bar.  The most important tool I have found in this is a towel, I am drenched in sweat from beginning to end.

At the end of the chest and back workout, it is time to do ab ripper x, GAG! I really hate this workout because of the pain in my tail bone and I’m not good at it, I swear I grunted like a pig today while doing it today .  Not my finest moment but I kept at it because the ab workout gets a little bit easier each time (I still hate it).


It’s spring break for me right now, which means I will not be getting up at 4 to workout but I will still get my workout in each day.

Until tomorrow…

New hobby (I think?)

First off, I hope everybody (all 2 people that read this) had a very happy holiday and great start to the new year, I know I did (if you were wondering).

I spent so much time with the wife and the stinker, I loved every minute of it. Going back to work after two weeks off was really hard to do (and I am not being sarcastic).

Hobbies are always something hard for me to do, because it either want to spend time with my family, work out, or do work. Even growing up I had a hard time starting hobbies that was not something athletic (athletics was my hobby growing up).

When I got into college I tried several different things to create a hobby that would hold my interest, but nothing really panned out. Non-athletic hobbies have not always kept my interest.

So my non-athletic hobby that I have is being a husband and dad. I love to run, it’s relaxing, and going to the gym is something I like to do, but not something I have to do.

This Christmas was awesome, my wife and stinker got me everything I could have asked for and I loved watching them get excited over their gifts.

This year, our cousin and his fiancé (Pops an Courtney) got me a gift that sparked my interest in a new hobby.

Let me give a little backstory: I love beer, not getting drunk on beer, but I love beer. I love to try different beers and seeing what they have to offer. A few months ago, my wife and some friends took my sister in law (tin tin) and me too a brewery here in Katy (No Label Brewery). While there, I started to wonder how hard it would be to brew beer, but it just stayed in the back of my mind. I know I talked about it a little with my wife, but (she probably was thinking) it would become all talk and no action. Plus, like I said, hobbies have never really kept my interest.

This is where my cousin and his fiancé come in. Courtney drew my name for the gift exchange and she got me a Mr. Beer kit (I also drew her name, and I think what I got her was a pretty good gift too). At that moment I started wondering if this is something I would want to do, but like everything, I needed to find time to start.

Here comes New Years Eve. My family and I stayed at home, we were supposed to have company but they had to back out due to a sick baby. Stinker went to bed and my wife was doing some work, so I decided why not try and make beer.

The kit I got was the premium kit, and it comes with everything you need to make your first batch and bottles to put the beer in. I was amazed at how easy it was, basically it was like making hamburger helper, all you do is follow the directions. So the starting point is easy, but then you wait!

The box says 2 weeks on the outside, but that not completely the truth. Yes, it takes around 2 weeks for the beer to ferment in the keg, but then it has to condition in the bottles for about 2 weeks and then you chill it. So it’ll take about a month until I can have my first drink of the beer I am making.

I am excited though! I am already planning my next batch, which will probably be another basic Mr. beer kit until I get the hang of changing the ingredients to create different beers.

I would have had pictures but I cleared off all the pictures off of my phone because I needed the space. But I’ll post more up when I get them up. So this blog will be continued.

This is a picture of the beer after it has been fermenting for 1 week.
