Category Archives: Uncategorized

Don’t call it a comeback…

Well, here is my attempt to come back to my blog. I can’t remember how many times I have tried to start blogging again (probably a number in the teens), but here I am again.
A lot has happened since I have published any type of post, so here is here a cliff notes version of what been going on:

1. My family and I have moved (twice)

2. I have moved up in education and I am now an Assistant Principal (now in my 3rd year), I now work for an elementary school.

3. My wife and I have celebrated 10 years of marriage, she deserves a medal (or some kind of award).

4. My stinker is in 1st grade and is growing like a weed. 

5. The wife and I had a second baby not too long ago, he is known as bug. 

That’s the quick, cliff notes version of what has been going on in my world since the last time I had anything published. 

A new focus…

As I was preparing to start writing again I was thinking why I want to blog again. Most blog sites have have a focus on what they are writing about and I have always tried to just be whatever was on my mind, which at times made it hard for me to write. So I wanted to come with a focus of what I am going to write about, which is still loose enough boundaries to write about whatever I want.

I will be mail looking at 3 things. 

1. Will be being a husband today, the highs and lows of marriage and how I try to be the best husband I can be. 

2. Fatherhood today, being a dad is awesome but very hard work. Fatherhood is quickly evolving from the rolls of our fathers and their fathers. 

3. Education, this is the world I live in when I am not at home and what is going on with today’s educational world. 

I want to look at these aspects individually and also how they mix for me.  Also how I manage all of what is going on. 

I will not promise to write everyday. Heck, I be happy to publish once a week but I am back to my blog. 

Until next time…

Day 27: Some fun

Saturday came and Saturday went and it felt like it was a good day.

Started off waking up before my family and getting my yoga x work out in, I’m finally not taking every single time.

Then I woke the family up so the stinker can player soccer. Today was the 1st game for my little soccer team. I really love coaching little kid soccer and being out there with my stinker.

The wife had some dance and homework to get done, so the stinker and I got to spend some time together and hang out and we had a lot of fun.

All in all, out was a good day

Until tomorrow…..

Day 26: Exhaustion

I’m exhausted! My staff, some of my students and my family have noticed that I have been looking more tired everyday for the past 2 weeks.

Because of my exhaustion and having an early morning to coach my stinker’s soccer game tomorrow, this will be a short, of not the shortest, blog post.

I worked out with the core synergistics workout, got to work early for a faculty meeting, worked a 1/2 day in the meeting at my school, played 18 holes of golf for my districts education foundation tournament (I was horrible), and then came home to my wife and stinker, I really tried to give my family all the energy I had.

Now it is time for sleep

Until tomorrow……..

Day 10: shoulders and arms

Another short post today due to being tired and hanging out with friends. 

It’s past midnight and I am going to bed

This morning I woke up before my entire family and did the shoulders and arms workout followed by ab ripper x.

Tomorrow I will have a more in depth blog.

Until tomorrow…

Day 7: Rest Day/Check In

If you follow the p90x program, day 7 is supposed to be your rest day.  You could do the x stretch dvd if you want.

I did not end up doing the x stretch did this time because the wife and I started going through some of our stuff getting ready for a garage sale that we need to have to get rid of a lot of stuff.

So every 7th day will also be my check in on my progress so see if I have lost weight and to see if my appearance has been altered in any way.  So my weigh in today was at 221 pounds, that’s a current loss of 1 pound.  It may not seem like a lot but it is progress in the right direction.  I might have lost more but I ate quite a bit last night during date night with the wife. She also said that it looks like my face has thinned a bit since I stared a week ago, so either she is saying she is noticing a difference or I have a fat head, either way any weight loss is a good thing. So for the pictures…

It doesn’t look like much difference (except for the shorts being blue) but I feel great.  I feel like I accomplished something in keeping up with this for 1 week.

I did not do very well with continually running due to a lot of rain this past week and being really busy at work and I did not do very well in tracking my progress and calories on the lose it app.  I will get better this next week.

Week 2 will be a bit of a challenge though because I will be on spring break from work, but with week one in the books, I look forward to tackling week 2. Until tomorrow….

Day 1: The first step

Every journey begins with a single step.  And today was my first step in changing how I feel about myself and how I look.

I was overwhelmed by the responses and comments I received for my first blog post in a long time.  Honestly I didn’t even realize how many people read this.  For every one who read it and made a comment and/or like my post, thank you very much.

Today is day 1 in my journey.  For my exercise program I am using P90X dvd program.  So today I used the chest and back dvd (which is a little less than an hour).  The equipment it required was yourself (a lot of push up in different variations), dumbbells (the highest weight I had was 5 pounds thanks to a gift from my wife and stinker) and a pull-up bar.  It was a pretty hardcore workout that kicked my butt.  

I listened to my body a bit better that I have in the past.  The old me would have pushed myself to where I could barely move afterwards, but this time I pushed myself to where I was feeling the burn but I know I will be able to move tomorrow morning. 

Right after I did the chest and back workout, ab ripper x workout came on.  That one killed me because my stomach kept getting in the way.  The workout was 16 minutes long, and my stomach continually cramped during the workout.  My stomach is killing me as I write this.  

Right after the exercise DVDs, I went for a 2 mile walk to cooldown and just relax.  It was really nice. 

Today was tough but I have to take it one day at a time.

Until tomorrow (I know this blog post was a bit boring, so I will try to make tomorrow a bit funnier)…

Leaving work at work

Alrighty, so my brain is pretty blank tonight with all of the crap it went through today at work (trust me, it was a lot). I think I had a few more hairs turn gray because of the drama.


I cannot let that effect me though because no matter how my day goes, whether my students listen or not, my family deserves all of me!

When I leave work, that’s where it needs to stay because when I bring the stress and the drama of work home, it causes stress and drama at home (which is a lose lose situation).

It is hard to leave work at work and I am not always successful at it. When I bring it home, the wife and the stinker can tell because I am a shell of myself. It’s like in the Adam Sandler movie Click, when he was fast forwarding through life with his remote, his body was just there on auto pilot. My family deserves more.

Now I am not writing this because the wife and I got into an argument, quite the opposite, I’m writing this because I was successful at leaving work at work.

Life has enough stress on its own and I do not need to add more stress to my household, I would like it to be as stress free as possible. If I bring work home, I’m NOT treating my wife like the amazing woman she is, I’m NOT giving my stinker the attention and playing with him like I should.

Life is precious and the good lord only put us down here for a short amount of time. Take advantage and not waste your time with worry, be home and present.

When I starting writing the words just came out, I truly had zero plan for this blog.

Until next time…….

I’m back

For all the 2 people who read my blog, I’M BACK!

It has been far to long since I have written, life has been a little hectic for me and my blog just fell to the back burner, got buried, and completely forgotten about.

So since this is my, sort of, comeback, I’ll just give a quick cliff notes version of all that’s been going on in my life:
– Had to stop running because of right knee having continual problems (again)
– Being a teacher is rewarding, but it is hectic and stressful (especially in the springs because of testing)
– The wife and I took the stinker for his birthday to meet his idol (Mickey Mouse)

– Turned 29 (last year in the 20s)
– My student took the STAAR test
– completed week one of DDP YOGA (start week 2 tomorrow morning)
– Currently building a desk from scratch for the wife
– I love my wife more and more
– my son continues to amaze me

That is just a short list of what been going on (and is all I can think of at 10:30 at night). But more will be coming very soon, hopefully daily (including a review of DDP YOGA when I reach day 30)

I am glad to be back!